Global Equity Team
Global Equity ex Fossil Fuels Strategy
- Pooled Fund Available to Canadian Investors only
- Segregated account
- UCITS UCITS stands for "Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities."
High-conviction Quality GARP investment strategy anchored in fundamental, bottom-up analysis. We rely on independent thinking to build our investment theses for each holding. We seek to forecast inflection points, errors of perception and catalysts through a repeatable process that promotes consistency and sustainability of alpha in different market conditions.
ESG considerations permeate the process from the definition of the investible universe through screening, fundamental analysis, monitoring and sell decisions.
Investment Offering
Global Equity ex Fossil Fuels Strategy
- Repeatable and consistent investment process that delivers added value in different market conditions
- Rigorous in-house dedicated fundamental research based on independent thinking
- Long-term investment focus keeps emphasis on alpha generation
- ESG integration into the investment process
- Robust risk management to protect capital
- Low carbon footprint